Inner Heart Conversation
Good Article whEn u FeeL aNgrY…
Don’t Let it far juZ keEp Love in deEp on uR hEarT
Inner Heart Conversation
There is enemy that can not be conquered by love.
There is no illness that can not be cured by love and affection.
There is no hostility that can not be forgiven by sincerity.
There is no difficulty that can not be solved by perseverance.
There is no stone that can not be broken by patient.
Everything is must be from the bottom of your heart.
Talk with your inner heart, and it will go through to another heart too.
To be succeed is not about how big is your muscle and smart is your brain,
yet it is also about how lenient/soft of your heart to do certain matters.
You can not stop a cried baby by pulling him at your arm.
Or persuade him with sweets/candies and sweet words.
What you have to do is embrace/hug him until he feel the heart beat calmly
in your depth of relieved.
Please begin with your soft heart before you give it to your achievement.
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